We are New Life Fellowship, a congregation of Grace Communion International. We are a diverse group of people from all over the Baltimore, Maryland area who embrace the Good News that, in Jesus, our humanity is included in the life and love of the Triune God – Father, Son and Spirit! Ephesians 1: 3-6! Each week we proclaim in word, deed and fellowship, that the Father adopts humanity as his children, through his Son Jesus, in the relational power and communion of His Holy Spirit. We should, therefore, turn from every other basis for thinking and believe this Good News, receiving freely what the Father gives us freely in Jesus and by the Holy Spirit! As simple as this sounds, in turning to Jesus it also means denying ourselves, picking up our cross and following him!
At New Life Fellowship we believe that everyone, including YOU, has been reconciled to God in Jesus Christ as scripture says! 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. This means that in Jesus Christ, God has bound himself to humanity in such a way that he will never let any of us go! In fact, God – Father, Son and Spirit, has revealed in Jesus Christ that He loves each of us, and all of us, MORE than He loves himself! Phil 2:3! We mean by this that God is focused in loving others and not focused selfishly on Himself. God is not Self-centered but other-centered with unconditional love! God IS Love and is therefore outgoing in words and deeds towards OTHERS, being FOR them fully and sacrificially, at great cost to Himself!
At NLF we Teach, Proclaim and Fellowship in this Good News of our Adoption, through God’s Grace, in Jesus Christ and by the Spirit, each Worship Celebration! Acts 20:24! We invite all who will come, to taste and see that the Lord is good and gracious along with us!
We are also a diverse set of people. We are old, young, middle-aged, black, white, Islanders, mixed, poor, rich, middle class, professional, retired, homemakers, and students; some of us dress up and wear suits, ties, and dresses. Others wear more casual attire such as jeans and t-shirts, so come as you are! Jesus receives us wherever we’re at to take us where He’s going! Whew!