Cold Weather Shelter Information for the Homeless – Baltimore County

Greetings NLF, Church of the Merciful God Who Provides For All Our Needs and visitors to our Website,

With the bitterly cold weather expected over the next 48 to 72 hours, here is information that can be passed on to any homeless individual that is seeking shelter from the elements in our Church bldg. area:

Where to Go to Get Relief from the Cold in Baltimore County
Public Locations

During daytime hours any County resident needing access to water and bathrooms in a warm environment can visit local government facilities like the public libraries and senior centers. Shopping malls, movie theaters, restaurants and grocery stores are also options.

Who to Call for a Shelter Bed

Homeless residents may call 410-853-3000, option 2, to speak with a screener in the Information, Referral and Screening (IRS) Unit, who can offer assistance with shelter options.

There are a limited number of shelter beds available in Baltimore County and surrounding jurisdictions; however, the IRS unit performs a vulnerability assessment to prioritize placement in the County’s shelters. The IRS unit may be able to refer callers to other resources, so all County residents seeking temporary shelter are encouraged to call.

Freezing Weather Shelter Information

The Baltimore County Freezing Weather Shelters, located at the Eastern Family Resource Center (9150 Franklin Square Drive in Rosedale) and the Westside Men’s Shelter (5 Redwood Circle in Catonsville), are activated between November 15 and April 15 on nights when the temperature forecast calls for freezing weather.

Homeless residents may call 410-853-3000, option 2, to confirm activation and bed capacity.

The shelters open at 6 p.m. each night it is activated and close at 9 a.m. the next morning. 

Residents must arrive no later than 10 p.m. During severe weather when the roads are unsafe due to snow and ice, the Freezing Weather Shelters may be activated during daytime hours.

***NOTE*** The freezing weather shelter plan for 2017-2018 has changed from previous years.
The Northpoint Government Center will no longer be used for routine freezing weather sheltering.

Info in PDF for download:  coldweathershelters


 Peace and Love,

Bro Pastor T